Saturday, August 19, 2006

Another Long Weekend

Long Weekend ini saya pikir akan menjadi hari-hari yang membosankan secara segala rencana untuk keluar kota weekend ini gagal karena kebanyakan Planning alias NATO (No Action Talk Only). Biasalah, typical saya dan teman-teman yang seneng bikin banyak rencana tapi selalu ga kejadian sedangkan kalo ngedadak malah lebih sering kejadian. So, this longweekend was nothing different and I’m gonna stuck in Jakarta for the rest of the days.

Tapi ternyata my weekend is far away from boring so far. These couple of days I was hanging out with my friends from previous office. We hang out in and out of Jakarta. It was so much fun cause they’re really fun friends to hang out with. Maybe being kept in a small meeting room doing loan review for 3 months together got us all closer than anything else. From Breakfast to Dinner, We all done that together and that includes weekdays and weekend. Lembur was our middle name. Those days were unforgettable for all of us.

After hang out with them for the last couple of days tonight is my time for INDONESIAN IDOL final. Today is final result show. Isa finally got us the ticket to see the show live. Buat saya kedua finalis, Dirly atau Ihsan sih ga terlalu istimewa tapi saya pinginnya yang menang si Dirly secara dia lebih cakep daripada Ihsan (loh, ini kontes nyanyi atau kontes cover boy yak? he3x).

Besok mungkin saya bakal ke Bandung untuk menghadiri pernikahan seorang teman. Tapi saya masih mikir-mikir sih, secara ini extra long weekend pasti Bandung udah kayak kapal pecah. Macet, macet dan macet. Bakalan capek doang nih kayaknya. Let me see lah, kalo masih ada energy buat pergi ya saya bakalan ngebajak adik saya untuk jadi supir he he he he he he he.

Idol Saturday

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