Monday, March 27, 2006


I had a wonderful weekend. Eventhough it started with a cloudy saturday morning but everything turn to be a cheerfull and fun weekend. After finally had the courage to drive to isa's home we drove to KEMANG FUN BAZAR. Well... the bazar itself wasn't interesting at all. Nothing worth to buy, the advertising was to much. But somehow it felt good cause i turn out bought something anyway *shopping always feels good right girls?*. After we had breakfast in that area we headed to my house to cook few meals. Yes! I cooked! *miracle do happen*

My friends show up one by one. And the guest star finally came. It was so fun, and we talked about the past, present and the future too. We all have our problems and we have to catch up to each other story on love, life and others. Hopefully we can see each other again soon....

Bloody Fantastic Weekend
FransLus - 8341 LS

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