Thursday, March 02, 2006


It’s been exactly 6 weeks and 6 days since my dearest mom being hospitalized. Many things happened on that period of time. Hospital surely become a familiar place and we even consider it as our second home.

Every day we always visit mom after work. It replaces Malls, Plazas or other shopping centers for the last 6 weeks for me and my siblings. Nurses become family too (only the good and patient one of course, the not so patient nurses we labeled as “herder” (as of the kind of dog that people use to guard a house) - that we should avoid as much as we can… And guess what, my brother now had a crush on one of the nurses. She’s not hot or pretty or something but she surely a very loveable, funny and patient person especially in handling my mom. Funny ha? Love blooming in the middle of sick situation. Well… we hope that it’s not a sick love anyway… hahahahaha…. Good Luck brother!!!

My Mom is now Governor of the Hospital especially in Xaverius Hall where my mom stayed for the last 6 weeks. Since “The not so communicative doctor” of my mom can’t tell exactly when she can go home maybe soon she’ll be elected as a President too…Yeah right, I hope she’s not gonna stay that long for the sake of everybody and our bank account… Well, at least she’ll become President of something - no special facilities of course, my mom still be given the same “not so tasty hospital food” that somehow me and my siblings love – yes, we are the healthy one love hospital food – and I wonder why?

Talking about food, nowadays Me and my family are so confused because of my mom’s mood and habit of food. She gave a thousand and one reasons not to eat hospital food. Instead of eating “the look so yummy steak” she asked for “oncom goreng”… hahahaha… and my brother as the one that accompany my mom at the hospital during weekdays is the one that should handle my mom’s entire wish. We try as much as we can to prevent mom for eating outside’s food - because it can affected my mom’s health in a bad way - by bringing home’s cook to at least give her the supervised cooked food. It works sometimes but with the changing mood, most of it didn’t work… Mommy, mommy… makan yang bener atuh biar cepet sembuh… Maybe we all like that when we were little kids, so this is the payback time… Ampun!!! hahahahaha

Every week we got a LOVE LETTER from the hospital… in the week like this when my mom is in recovering stage, the hospital send love letter worth of my 1 month salary. Imagine the weeks when my mom had surgery (twice my friend, twice)… Well, money is nothing compare to my mom’s health but if the hospital can stop sending LOVE LETTER it would be highly appreciated (it’s like asking the sun to stop shinning, and earth to stop rotate… impossible gitu loh).

It’s already 6 weeks and 6 days and I hope the number stop soon – GET WELL SOON MOM.

Just 1 more day before turn to 7 weeks
FransLus - 8341 LS

1 comment:

Harianta said...

I hope she will get well soon .. :-)

Keep the attitude of cherishing o ya the song bird ..:-)