Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Bump into an old friend from highschool few months ago. It supposes to be an ordinary thing that happens quite sometimes. But when you bump into someone that you know for years had been avoiding you, it's kind of strange if she suddenly being so friendly to you right? Make you wonder was she finally forgetting the past and move on or was there a catch?

So with a highly hope I enthusiastic open a friendly conversation to her.

Then finally as you all may guess.......... there's a catch behind that nicely looking gesture. I don't have to tell you what is the catch but make me back to that simple line of "HOW FUNNY LIFE CAN BE?!?!?!" Just when you think of something good finally happen to you, it turn out that it's nothing like what you expected.

A bit disappointed……….. but hey, that's life my friend. Nothing comes out exactly like you expected.

The moral of the story: Expect the Unexpected (sounds like an advertising line ha?) but it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth :p

Ash Wednesday - Time to Forgive & Forget
FransLus - 8341 LS

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