Monday, March 06, 2006



Friday, 03032006 – For the first time (and probably the last time) I got invited to a movie premiere. No, No…. I got the ticket not because I’m a highly respected person or famous socialite; it just happened that The Director’s wife’s is my Bestfriend. So, I consider myself as lucky to be given such rare opportunity. I got two tickets for the premiere so I ask my friend Isa** to accompany me and meet up with my other friend Adia** and her husband there. I thought I would be walking on the red carpet like you all see in Hollywood movie premiere. But it turned out that the actual *stars walking on the red carpet* show were already held about 2 hours before. Damned!! I never know how it would feel to be pictured with lots of photographer while walking on the red carpet…. Luckily I’m not dressed up to much for the occasion... hahahahaha....

Some people said that this is the first adventure movie ever made in Indonesia. An Indonesian Indiana Jones they said, but the poster is more look like Lara Croft - Tomb Rider’s poster to me. Seeing Tora Sudiro holding “ketapel” instead of *another deadly looking cool to carry around* weapon looks ridiculous though.

As an amateur, let me give you *a don’t trust to much cause I’m not professional movie critics* review. First of all… Let me tell you about Tora who plays a nature lover slash adventurer turn to be an expedition – guard?!?!. Why somehow I can’t get his extravaganza image out of my mind? The one that catch my attention was (believe it or not) Arie Dagienkz who plays Tira’s partner in the expedition company. He was so natural and has a certain characteristic that made his acting looks good (at least to me).
Secondly, the scenario still need touch up here and there. To be totally honest, the scenes sometimes weren’t connected one to another. It got me confused why the hell that wealthy businessman named Madewa wants to finance an expedition for? No specific background to explain it. So what if he was the aired of an Artifact that happen to be a "keris". And he had to kill people for it?
And one more thing, the bad guy played by Indra Birowo… his acting is ok but his motivation for following Tira’s to the jungle and risk his life is not convincing enough (once again…. At least to me). The leading lady who plays by Marsha Timothy is ok too but the appearance of Intan Kaunang is quite disturbing. She was plain and her character was lack of soul, not to mention that her outfit was killing me. She looks more like sales girl instead of wealthy businessman’s assistant in that white and horrible dress.

Overall it’s quite entertaining, but just don’t expect it to be like Indiana Jones or Lara Croft in. It’s a good start though, for the first time someone has the guts to create something different and not stuck to the romance theme that most Indonesian movie all about. My thumbs up to the Director (Way to go Peng!!!). So…. it won’t hurt if you all can spend a little time of your money and precious time to check this movie out.

There you go… that’s my *can’t be so trusted cause I don’t know much about movie making and acting* review. Up to you if you want to believe me or not but there's only one way to prove me right or wrong… Nonton ‘ndiri deh and tell me what you think… Sekalian biar bisa bantuin si produser balik modal nih… huehehehehehehe

** The names mention here except for the cast from the movie are not real :p

Just Another Manic Monday
FransLus– 8341 LS

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