Do you have Heroes DNA in your body? Sure you do! Everybody does. We are born from one. In Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Hero defines as “a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities” and “one that shows great courage”. Our mother struggle with pain and went through live & death situation in labor to deliver us into the world. That shows Hero quality indeed. DNA itself describe as “organic chemical of complex molecular structure that is found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and in many viruses. DNA codes genetic information for the transmission of inherited traits”. Since we are automatically inheriting DNA from our mother, we do owned Heroes DNA.
Now the question is, how we activate the deep down Heroes DNA that sometimes we don’t even realize owned? Or even bigger question, how we activate The DNA to win The Battlefield?
First and foremost we need to activate the Heroes DNA that we inherit from the day we are conceived. We don’t need user’s guide since the guide itself written all over ourselves. All we need is sharpen it with actions. What kind of actions? Actions that lead us into achieve a noble quality. Don’t have to be something big like saving lives. Instead, do something small like practicing discipline. Discipline yourself in every aspect of your life. Like for instance, discipline in your routine at work. You surely have certain routine that you follow every single working day right? Start working at this particular time, lunch at this particular time, finish working at this particular time. Follow that routine and you are a Hero by doing your job properly.
But in winning, you need to beat others. You should do better than others. In order to do that what kind of discipline you need? You surely need to do something more than doing your routine. And how’s that possible in practicing discipline? Well, you can maximize your discipline. And how’s that also possible? Well, first you have to set you goal as high as you can possible be. Therefore you are one step ahead to ensure your position as the winner. Then what? After that you need to determine a discipline in order to achieve your highest goal. Does doing this guarantee you to be the winner? I’d say yes! Because if you discipline with your goal you will become more focus in doing what you do.
Good Luck. You are one step away to successfully become a Winner.
Notes : kenapa isi blog ini sangat serius? karena di kantor saya sedang ada lomba blogging dengan tema tertentu dan hadiahnya ipad saudara-saudara. agak terprovokasi tetangga sebelah yang juga ikutan saya pun coba-coba iseng bikin artikel untuk di posting blog kantor. sayangnya saya kurang teliti baca persyaratan sehingga rasanya artikel saya ini ga memenuhi syarat untuk ikut lomba he3x. anyway... enjoy ya. udah lama ga nge-blog sekalinya nge-blog bikin pusing *quoting golden boy* wkwkwkwk
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