Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Purpose-Driven Life

Nope! Saya belum baca buku ini. Sam Soon-i merekomendasikan buku ini tapi saya paling tidak suka baca buku self help dan sejenisnya. Buat saya buku-buku seperti itu hanya penuh dengan teori. When it comes to real life nothing is as easy as the theory, right? The situation and circumstances in one person to another can create totally different condition. Therefore, I refuse to believe all that theories. I just believe in my theory based on my intuition. Kalo ternyata teorinya salah ya that’s me…

Btw biarpun saya tidak baca bukunya tapi saya setuju dengan Spirit dari judulnya saja. Bahwa Life can be driven by certain purpose. Big or Small. Very ambitious or Not so ambitious. Religious or Materialistic. Long Term or Short Term. You choose. But lately saya sedang berada dalam fase wondering. What is the purpose of my life? I just live life like the way it is. Mengalir seperti air katanya. Saya pikir lingkungan baru dan jenis pekerjaan baru bisa membuat saya menemukan tujuan baru. Ternyata semua harus di postponed.

But you know what? I got myself a great purpose of life now. It’ll need fully effort and spirit. Thanks to Vie and Gus that through them I finally realize what I should do with my life. Now only need to make it happen. Hopefully I don’t get any of “malas” mood anytime soon. Wish Me Luck.

Lightning Tue
FransLus – 8341 LS

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