Monday, May 08, 2006


Spend saturday by DVD & gadget browsing. Got myself Will&Grace season 6 (the only one available), Scrubs season 1 (I'm curious so i only bought 1 season just in case I'll hate it), Sang Doo (Isa and Dolphin still can't understand why i love this korean drama but for me the story was so good), a mobile bluetooth and flash disc for ros. Ah and one more... toilet seats cover for Isa & Dolphin's bathroom. Argue to long on the color (like it matters eh?) On Sunday i spent the day to watch all DVDs until around 5 p.m to get ready for church. I always took Sunday evening mass cause it’s like preparing for the next hectic week. This week is “MISA PANGGILAN” and it’s the 43rd times in 2006. Since the my church is under Salesian Don Bosco therefore the community from the order come to my church.

"Tuaian memang banyak, tetapi pekerja sedikit. Karena itu mintalah kepada Tuan yang empunya tuaian, supaya Ia mengirimkan pekerja-pekerja untuk tuaian itu" (Lukas 10:2)

The mass took more than 2 hours (30 minutes longer than the usual mass) but we all enjoy it with the witness and performance from the order community. The day wraped by with a small accident when I parked my car at my carport cause I’m not use to park from the right. So I left a tiny scratch in the left body of my car. I don’t care lah, insurance will take care of it.

Ordinary Monday
FransLus – 8341 LS

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