Sunday, March 19, 2006


I saw the show JELAJAH on TV yesterday, it was about trip to Beijing and – surprise surprise – I saw my tour guide from my trip abroad three years ago. He was so *hilariously* funny and *fantastically* patience to me and the whole *noisy barbaristic and chaotic* tour member that mostly consist of female - imagine that!!.

It’s been awhile since my last traveling trip and I think I could really need one right now. In this kind of situation and condition of course I can’t do that. Damned!! I miss traveling!! The complication of planning it, the excitement of packing (well… maybe not many people find packing is excitement kekekekekek… am I strange or am I strange?) and of course the fun of the trip itself.

My Last trip was to KL. It was quite fun cause I went there with my *currently married* bestfriend and her male colleagues. One of them actually very familiar with the city so we were definitely covered in *where to go and what to take* things. Even though I'm not much of a KL fans but I surely enjoy the *clean and easy to find* transportation except for the *no meter* taxi of course.

Me and my friends planned on going to Korea and Japan for our next trip but you know… with everything that going on we (at least me) have to cancel the trip. Oh I really wish I could go there someday. I always dreaming of standing in the middle of *busy* street of shibuya at night with the sign box sparkling at night or practicing my *limited and sounds horrible* Korean words… sarangeo a.k.a I love you… but just let it be a dream for a while. As Westlife sang “dreams come truuuuuue, they do ooooo”
Quiet Sunday
FransLus - 8341 LS

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