Tuesday, March 14, 2006


A good friend of mine asked me to be her bridesmaid on her wedding in September. Of course i said yes. That's my other *social non profit* profession besides Penerima Tamu, Pager Ayu etc. It runs in my blood and i got the figure kayaknya... Tinggi kurus langsing (dan cantik ???? silahkan muntah di tempat hehehehehe)

Nah, as *a single (not so) white* female being in a wedding is hell. Don't get me wrong, I love wedding with the decoration, dress, food and all but that stupid question always come up from *a not so sensitive* friend and relative. I wish there's a legal code of conduct that forbid people from asking that *unwanted* question. "KAPAN NYUSUL?" huh... Emang harus ya? What if i decided to be a Nun? Which i'm sure that i won't (Devil turn to Saint? impossible right? kekekekekekek). And by the way, I'm not a fortune teller that can predict the future!! Better ask them lah as an expert. Maybe I sounds cynical but believe me, when someone being asked the same question for about 1.234.567 times he or she will die of anger soon right :p

Tickling Tuesday
FransLus - 8341 LS

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